The Chapel Performance Space is a dedicated performing arts venue located in the Good Shepherd Center, owned and operated by Historic Seattle, a non-profit preservation organization. The Chapel may be rented on a per-event basis for concerts, dance, theater, literary readings, and other performing arts events or rehearsals. It is not available for non-arts events such as private parties, weddings, memorials, yoga classes, meditation workshops, religious services, fundraisers, public meetings, etc. For a list of other rental venues in the Seattle area, click here.
WA State and King County no longer require public venues to ask for proof of vaccination and have lifted the mask mandate for
indoor public spaces. Visitors who still wish to wear a mask are of course welcome to do so. Individual event organizers may still opt to
voluntarily impose any COVID protocols as they see fit.
BOOKING: Dates in the Chapel are available on a first come, first served basis. Plan on booking your rental at least several months ahead of time. Weekend nights are typically booked out 6-12 months in advance. We generally do not accept rental bookings less than seven days before the date requested. To book a rental, send an e-mail (use Contact link on the right) describing your proposed event and preferred dates.
This is a self-presenting situation! Be prepared to do your own promotion, run your own lights/sound/box office, set up your own chairs, and clean up after yourself. An on-duty caretaker will give you the keys to the space and the cash box, but there is no staff to assist you with running your event.
Touring artists from out of town must have a Seattle-based presenter
(individual, organization, or local artist sharing the bill) who can sign the rental contract and be
responsible for upholding the terms, hiring crew, doing PR, running the show, etc.
AVAILABILITY: The Chapel is not available to rent on weekdays before 5:00 PM, or on Sundays, or on most major holidays. Due to high demand, individual artists or organizations can book events no more than one Friday or Saturday per quarter, or three weeknights per month. Sorry, but we are not able to accommodate regular weekly or monthly rentals, or more than two nights in a row.
MUSIC TEACHERS: We do not book student recitals on weekend evenings. You may rent for your student recitals on Saturdays before 3:30 PM and M-W evenings after 5 PM.
RENTAL FEES: If you are charging admission or accepting any voluntary donations at your event, the rental fee is $300 per performance for not-for-profits, $600 for others. For uses where no money is accepted (student recitals, rehearsals, etc.), rent is $60 per hour for not-for-profits, $120 per hour for others. NOTE: We do not offer the hourly rate on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday evenings! The full rental amount must be paid up front to reserve the date.
WHAT IS PROVIDED: Use of the performance space, lobby, spacious dressing rooms and rest rooms only (YOU MAY NOT USE ANY OTHER PART OF THE BUILDING OR OUTDOOR PREMISES FOR YOUR EVENT); 150 padded stacking chairs, tables, cash box, lectern/podium; grand piano; sound system; lights; basic liability insurance (if you do not carry event insurance, please discuss this with Historic Seattle).
LIGHTS & SOUND: The lights are set to a basic stage wash that works for most events, and can be easily operated by anyone. Renters may not make changes to our standard lighting plot. The sound system is set up and torn down for each event. Renters wishing to use our sound system are required to hire one of our approved technicians for set-up and tear-down, even if you have your own tech to run sound for your event. You may bring in your own sound system if you prefer not to hire our audio tech.
NOT PROVIDED: Audio recording, video, or projection equipment; piano tuning; event promotion; set-up/clean-up assistance; staff and technical crew.
SALES: We do not take a percentage of sales from concessions or other merchandise. You keep all of that.
RESTRICTIONS: In order to maintain good relations with our neighbors both in the building and in the neighborhood, the following restrictions apply to all events:
- No rentals before 5:00 PM on Monday - Friday, although it is possible to load in and begin setting up at 4 PM (but no sound checks). Saturdays are more flexible. No rentals on Sundays or major holidays.
- The building must be empty by 11 PM; please plan to end your event by 10:00 PM to allow enough time to clean up. Leaving late means losing your deposit!
- Maximum audience is 85 on week nights, 150 on Friday and Saturday.
- No alcohol may be served without the proper permit or license from the State Liquor Control Board, which must be posted visibly. Registered Non-Profits can get a Special Occasion License that allows them to sell alcohol at fundraising events (hiring a caterer with a Liquor License also works). Under no circumstances is it legal to serve free alcohol at a public event here (as noted above, the Chapel is not rented out for private events). You may have alcohol for artists and crew in the dressing rooms, but not in the Chapel if audience is present.
- Volume levels should not consistently equal or exceed that of a basic rock band; if the sound is clearly audible on the main floor or outside with the Chapel windows closed, it is too loud for this venue.
- Nothing may be used that makes fog, smoke, flames, scents, or dust.
PROMOTION: All publicity and promotion is entirely the responsibility of the presenter/artist.
STAFFING: All presenters must provide their own event staff: box office, ushers, concessions and merchandise sales, clean up, stagehands, stage manager, house manager, sound and light crew – whoever you think you will need to make your show run smoothly. Be sure you have enough people! Only experienced technicians will be permitted to operate the audio equipment. Let us know if you need a referral.